Configuring Nx to Run Tasks from the Project Root: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Configuring Nx to Run Tasks from the Project Root: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of Nx running tasks from the workspace root instead of the project root? Do you wish there was a way to configure Nx to always run tasks from the project root? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore the answer to the question “Is there a way to configure Nx to always run tasks from the project root rather than workspace root?” and provide a comprehensive guide on how to do just that.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand the problem. By default, Nx runs tasks from the workspace root. This means that when you run a task, Nx looks for files and dependencies in the workspace root directory, rather than the project root directory. This can lead to issues such as:

  • Files and dependencies not being found
  • Tasks failing due to incorrect file paths
  • Increased complexity when working with multiple projects in a single workspace

So, how can we configure Nx to run tasks from the project root instead of the workspace root?

The Solution

The solution lies in the Nx configuration file, `nx.json`. Specifically, we need to update the `workspaceConfig` section to include the `projectRoot` property.

  "extends": "./.nx/config",
  "workspaceConfig": {
    "projectRoot": "${workspaceRoot}/projects/"

In the above example, `` should be replaced with the actual name of your project. For example, if your project is named “my-app”, the `projectRoot` property would be:

  "extends": "./.nx/config",
  "workspaceConfig": {
    "projectRoot": "${workspaceRoot}/projects/my-app"

This tells Nx to use the `projects/my-app` directory as the project root instead of the workspace root.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Configuring Nx

Follow these steps to configure Nx to run tasks from the project root:

  1. Open the `nx.json` file in your preferred code editor.

  2. Add the `workspaceConfig` section to the `nx.json` file if it doesn’t already exist.

  3. Update the `workspaceConfig` section to include the `projectRoot` property, specifying the path to your project root.

  4. Save the changes to the `nx.json` file.

  5. Run the task you want to execute, using the Nx CLI or your IDE.

That’s it! Nx should now run tasks from the project root instead of the workspace root.

Overriding the Project Root for Specific Tasks

In some cases, you might want to override the project root for specific tasks. For example, you might have a task that requires a different project root for a specific environment or configuration. Nx provides a way to do this using the ` taskOptions` property.

  "extends": "./.nx/config",
  "workspaceConfig": {
    "projectRoot": "${workspaceRoot}/projects/my-app"
  "tasks": {
    "my-task": {
      "type": "node",
      "script": "node scripts/my-script.js",
      "taskOptions": {
        "projectRoot": "${workspaceRoot}/projects/my-other-app"

In this example, the `my-task` task overrides the project root to use the `my-other-app` directory instead of the `my-app` directory.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When configuring Nx to run tasks from the project root, you might encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve them:

Issue Solution
Nx is still running tasks from the workspace root Check that the `projectRoot` property is correctly configured in the `nx.json` file. Make sure the path is correct and the property is not overridden by another configuration file.
Files and dependencies are not being found Verify that the `projectRoot` property is set to the correct directory. Make sure that the files and dependencies are present in the project root directory.
Tasks are failing due to incorrect file paths Check that the file paths in the task configuration are relative to the project root directory. Use the `projectRoot` property to construct the correct file paths.


In this article, we’ve explored the answer to the question “Is there a way to configure Nx to always run tasks from the project root rather than workspace root?” We’ve seen how to update the `nx.json` file to configure Nx to run tasks from the project root, and we’ve discussed troubleshooting common issues that might arise.

By configuring Nx to run tasks from the project root, you can simplify your development workflow, reduce complexity, and improve the overall efficiency of your projects.

So, go ahead and give it a try! Update your `nx.json` file and start running tasks from the project root today.

Additional Resources

For more information on Nx and its configurations, check out the following resources:

We hope this article has been helpful in providing a comprehensive guide to configuring Nx to run tasks from the project root. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about configuring Nx to run tasks from the project root!

Is there a way to configure Nx to always run tasks from the project root rather than workspace root?

Yes, you can! Nx provides an option to run tasks from the project root by setting the `root` property in the `nx.json` file to the project root directory.

How do I set the `root` property in the `nx.json` file?

You can set the `root` property by adding a new property to the `nx.json` file with the path to the project root directory. For example: `”root”: “projects/my-project”`.

What happens if I don’t set the `root` property?

If you don’t set the `root` property, Nx will default to running tasks from the workspace root. This can lead to issues if your project has dependencies or configurations that rely on being run from the project root.

Can I set the `root` property dynamically based on the current project?

Yes, you can! Nx provides a way to set the `root` property dynamically using environment variables or scripts. You can use the `NX_RUN/workspace.js` file to set the `root` property based on the current project.

Are there any other configuration options available for running tasks from the project root?

Yes, there are! Nx provides additional configuration options, such as `cwd` and `workingDir`, that allow you to customize the working directory for tasks. You can combine these options with the `root` property to fine-tune the behavior of your tasks.