Writing/Reading to the same file when increasing pm2 replicas: The Ultimate Guide
Image by Olwyn - hkhazo.biz.id

Writing/Reading to the same file when increasing pm2 replicas: The Ultimate Guide

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If you’re using PM2 to manage your Node.js applications, you might have stumbled upon an issue when scaling your application horizontally by increasing the number of replicas. Specifically, you might have noticed that writing and reading to the same file concurrently can lead to unexpected behavior, errors, or even data loss. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of concurrent file access and explore ways to overcome the challenges of writing/reading to the same file when increasing PM2 replicas.

Understanding the Problem

When you run multiple replicas of your application using PM2, each replica is essentially a separate process running your code. If your application writes to and reads from the same file, you might expect that each replica would access the file independently, without interference from other replicas. However, this is not always the case.

Race Conditions and Concurrency Issues

When multiple replicas try to write to the same file simultaneously, a race condition can occur. A race condition is a situation where the output of a program depends on the sequence or timing of uncontrollable events, such as the order in which replicas access the file. This can lead to unexpected behavior, data corruption, or even crashes.

To illustrate this, imagine the following scenario:

Replica 1: Write "Hello" to file.txt
Replica 2: Write "World" to file.txt (before Replica 1 finishes writing)
Replica 1: Finish writing "Hello" to file.txt (overwriting Replica 2's changes)
Replica 2: Read from file.txt (expecting "World", but gets "Hello")

In this example, the output of the program depends on the sequence of events, which can lead to unpredictable results.

Solutions to the Problem

Now that we understand the problem, let’s explore some solutions to overcome the challenges of writing/reading to the same file when increasing PM2 replicas:

1. File Locking

One approach is to use file locking mechanisms to ensure that only one replica can access the file at a time. This can be achieved using libraries like flock or lockfile. By acquiring a lock on the file, you can guarantee that only one replica can write to or read from the file, preventing race conditions and concurrency issues.

const flock = require('flock');

// Acquire a lock on file.txt
flock('file.txt', (err, fd) => {
  if (err) {
  // Write to file.txt
  fs.writeFileSync(fd, 'Hello, World!');
  // Release the lock

2. Atomic Operations

Another approach is to use atomic operations to ensure that writes to the file are executed as a single, uninterruptible operation. This can be achieved using libraries like atomic-write or walrus. By using atomic operations, you can guarantee that writes to the file are executed in a thread-safe manner, even when multiple replicas are writing to the file concurrently.

const atomicWrite = require('atomic-write');

atomicWrite('file.txt', 'Hello, World!', (err) => {
  if (err) {

3. In-Memory Cache

A third approach is to use an in-memory cache to store data temporarily before writing it to the file. This can be achieved using libraries like lru-cache or Redis. By storing data in memory, you can avoid writing to the file concurrently and reduce the risk of race conditions and concurrency issues.

const cache = require('lru-cache')({
  max: 100,
  maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 // 1 hour

cache.set('data', 'Hello, World!');

// Write to file.txt periodically
setInterval(() => {
  const data = cache.get('data');
  fs.writeFileSync('file.txt', data);
}, 1000 * 60 * 60); // 1 hour

4. Database Solution

A fourth approach is to use a database to store data instead of writing to a file. This can be achieved using libraries like mongodb or sqlite3. By using a database, you can ensure that data is stored and retrieved in a thread-safe manner, even when multiple replicas are accessing the database concurrently.

const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;

MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017', (err, client) => {
  if (err) {
  const db = client.db();
  const collection = db.collection('mycollection');
  collection.insertOne({ data: 'Hello, World!' }, (err, result) => {
    if (err) {

Best Practices and Considerations

When implementing any of the solutions above, keep the following best practices and considerations in mind:

  • Use a consistent approach: Choose a solution that works best for your specific use case and stick to it. Consistency is key when dealing with concurrent file access.
  • Test thoroughly: Test your implementation thoroughly to ensure that it works correctly under various scenarios, including concurrent writes and reads.
  • Monitor and debug: Monitor your application’s performance and debug any issues that arise. This will help you identify and resolve problems quickly.
  • Consider data consistency: When using an in-memory cache or database, consider data consistency and how it affects your application’s behavior.
  • Plan for failures: Plan for failures and have a strategy in place to handle them. This includes recovering from crashes, data corruption, or other unexpected events.


In this article, we’ve explored the challenges of writing/reading to the same file when increasing PM2 replicas and discussed four solutions to overcome these challenges: file locking, atomic operations, in-memory cache, and database solutions. By understanding the problem and implementing the right solution, you can ensure that your application runs smoothly and efficiently, even when scaling horizontally.

Solution Description Pros Cons
File Locking Acquire a lock on the file to prevent concurrent access Guarantees thread-safety, simple to implement Can lead to performance bottlenecks, may not work with network file systems
Atomic Operations Use atomic operations to ensure thread-safe writes Guarantees thread-safety, high performance May require additional dependencies, can be complex to implement
In-Memory Cache Store data temporarily in memory before writing to file Improves performance, reduces writes to file May lead to data loss if cache is not persisted, can be complex to implement
Database Solution Use a database to store data instead of writing to file Guarantees thread-safety, high performance, scalable May require additional dependencies, can be complex to implement

By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure that your application runs smoothly and efficiently, even when scaling horizontally with PM2.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about concurrent file access, file locking, and atomic operations, I recommend checking out the following resources:

  • flock documentation:
  • atomic-write documentation:
  • lru-cache documentation:
  • MongoDB documentation:

Remember, when it comes to writing/reading to the same file when increasing PM2 replicas, it’s essential to choose a solution that works best for your specific use case and follows best practices for concurrent file access.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on writing/reading to the same file when increasing pm2 replicas – we’ve got the answers to your burning questions!

What happens when I increase pm2 replicas and write to the same file?

When you increase pm2 replicas, each replica runs as a separate process. If you’re writing to the same file, you’ll encounter concurrency issues. Each replica will try to write to the file simultaneously, leading to data corruption, overwrite, or even file locking. To avoid this, consider using a distributed locking mechanism or a database that can handle concurrent writes.

Can I use a single file for logging with multiple pm2 replicas?

While it’s technically possible, it’s not recommended. As mentioned earlier, concurrent writes can cause issues. Instead, consider using a logging mechanism that can handle distributed logging, such as a logging service or a database. This way, each replica can log events independently, and you can retrieve logs from a single source.

How can I ensure data consistency when reading from the same file with multiple pm2 replicas?

To ensure data consistency, implement a mechanism that allows only one replica to read from the file at a time. This can be achieved using file locking, distributed locking, or even a leader-follower architecture. Alternatively, consider using a database that can handle concurrent reads and ensures data consistency.

Are there any pm2 features that can help with writing/reading to the same file?

Yes, pm2 provides features like clustering and namespace that can help. Clustering allows you to group replicas and namespace provides a way to isolate resources. By using these features, you can control access to shared resources, including files. However, it’s essential to implement additional mechanisms to ensure data consistency and concurrency.

What’s the best approach to avoid file-related issues with pm2 replicas?

The best approach is to avoid sharing files between replicas. Instead, design your application to use a database or a message broker that can handle concurrent access. If you must use files, implement robust locking mechanisms and ensure data consistency using transactions or other concurrency control methods.

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